Friday, September 6, 2013


The other day I did not want to go to the gym. I wanted to stay home and watch Honey Boo Boo, don't judge! My sister urged me to go as did my best friend, " You have to go to yoga.  I'm next to a white doctor and his off the boat wife who doesn't speak English. Its yoga or (insert random ex boyfriend name here.) "

So I went. I liked it of course. I like yoga. I've always liked yoga. I like how I feel afterwards, I like that it stretches out my oh so tight muscles and I liked wearing my new yoga top to class. (sorry no photo of me in it  but cute!)

I remember the first time I did yoga. It was 1998. Please don't remind me how old I am. I was up very early in the morning as I couldn't sleep from being nervous ( yeah still going on). I turned to the fitness section of  Seventeen magazine that included a full section of a yoga sequence. I did it and felt instantly better. Relaxed. I stuck with it off and on since then. 

I think I need to include it in my work out regime. At least once a week I need to make an effort to do this. Not just for fitness but because I just like it. Its important with work outs that you do something you like. If you HATE the treadmill and if you HATE lifting weights but that's all you are doing, eventually you will stop as you will lose interest entirely. I'm not saying either are terrible work outs but if that is all you are doing well, duh you're gonna get bored pretty quickly. 

Moral of the story: Do what you like. Try new things, re-discover old things you once loved. Life is too short to spend on the mundane.

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