The process took a little while but they seemed short staff but they were all very helpful. I got a shoe that I hope will do me right. It did well in Zumba and was a little crampy on the elliptical though that could be due to the excess pressure of the machine itself and not the shoe. I've had that issue in the past with the elliptical and it is likely that.
I'm 28 years old and still i have a rough time budgeting. Does anyone else have this issue? Do I just want too much? I've gone a long while without buying myself things, without putting things on my credit card that I did not need, yet I'm still always low on funds. Por que money gods? I don't want to whine because i don't have cheese and I don't have wine. Nor do I have gluten filled buttery crackers to enjoy with because gluten free crackers are the worst. You all know the story, wah wah need to make more money so I can go to Europe to fuck a Danish man wah wah, first world problems. But it is kind of a let down when you can not afford little treats. Like a new hair dryer, yes for a while I couldn't even afford that. : / okay okay though first world problems again. I know kids in China, pets in Appalachia, gays in Kansas, have it a lot worse than I do.
This may be stupid but I do like to categorize what I need in a way of importance. This is a good measure to keep me on track budget wise and not go bat shit on Modcloth. (Okay I gave in to a cool star wars t-shirt but it was well within budget and that was ALL I bought.) Running shoes was numero uno and had been for the past year. Finally I bought those so now in order what I need;
New Yoga Work Out Pants:
For years I have bought Victoria Secret yoga pants because they were 1. within budget and 2. they came in petite. I'm a midget so I can't go into any yoga or fitness store and expect to find pants that don't have an extra 8 inches of fabric. Okay...I know I'm below average height but the average height is 5'4 for women not 5'8! Many friends swear by Lululemon for their yoga pants. I have heard many good things about this place. But I also am like uh..... when it comes to spending 90 dollars on pants that I will endlessly sweat in. However, my dumb victoria secret pants only last a couple of months before my fat thighs eat the fabric and make holes in the crotch. Solution: lose weight. Well fucking duh bitch. But even when I was 125 ( I was also very hot at this weight despite not wearing a size 0!) pounds and a fit active female my legs still rubbed together. Not as much as now of course (carb thighs!) but they still grazed. Second solution: Spend more, get a longer life out of them.
Friends have also told me to try Nordstroms Rack for good deals. I tried a pair on at the running store and they were all see through. 60 bucks and strangers don't have to guess the pattern of my underwear? Pass. Anyway this is currently what I need the most as I should be visiting the gym 5-6 times a week. Lord give me mercy! I'll probably try the Rack and when I meet my second weight loss goal I will upgrade to lululemon.
Winter is coming.....
Since time just seems to be FLYING BY I know that this 90 degree day will be on of the last unnecessarily hot days of the year. Beautiful fall will be followed by super cold winter. Not snow cold (please no!) but north west cold where it can't decide what it wants to be. I'll have to put this off till October, probably mid. That's okay this gives me time to re kick off my gluten free month vow and new jeans will be a reward. Followed by a trip to H&M for cheap yet sensible work pants. First of the month I need to pay off my running shoes and I'm still debating whether my lazy self should buy amazon prime. Might be nice to have and.....ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK!
Other necessities that don't really require a photo and are in no particular order:
- Passport! My moms said she'd go halfsies so yow! Probably a mid October wait as well.
- New Modcloth tights and new infinity scarf.- I wear brightly colored tights at the museum all the damn time. Mainly because I am not suppose to as it is not museum color code. However, it is technically an accessory. However, I do need some more demure colors, dark grey and deep wine for job interviews and for a nice fall look. And their scarfs are just cool.
- New pillows. My alignment is completely out of whack. I need one of those pillows that you get at a chiropractors office. Well...don't have the money to see him so in the mean time I'll have to settle for 30 dollar ikea sturdy pillows. I'm asking for a posturepedic 80 dollar one for my birthday in December. Last year I asked for a sonic care from my parents... oooo growing up.
- Full Length mirror. I had one when I was living in Pullman. Haven't a clue what happened to it when I moved back west. I also had one when I was partially living at my ex boyfriends. I purposefully left it behind because it was a piece of shit he told me to buy from Ross. He loved Ross. I hate Ross. And its no great loss (did not mean to rhyme) as it slowly began to bend and was only 15 dollars. Ikea.... I think a trip to you is upon us!
- Foam Roller- my IT band can get out of control. Need this for a good stretch.
- Cross fit classes. I hope that groupon is still good. And psycho paleo people say this is the best work out ever and I got a lot of fat to lose!
- Christmas presents. I'm buying these early in case I have a mental break down and leave the museum around the holidays. Just saying.
I think for now that is all. If I could have all those now and a hot bod then I don't know what I'd do with myself. Climb a mountain, learn three new languages, discover the cure for cancer? Okay not that ambitious. But I'll keep looking at this and crossing off things I can and need to get and start really saving for things I want....last night I dreamed I was in Iceland and on the boat there I saw mermaids made of ice swimming in the dark sea. It was beautiful and I hope a premonition.
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