Saturday, July 13, 2013

Breakfast- the most important of the day?

Sure it is. You don't want to go through the day hangry do you?
I've been trying to stay cool with my breakfasts. I figure if I start the day with something good that won't completely send my blood sugar into over drive and doesn't make me want to throw myself on a sword then it is one step closer to my dream of hot bod. Here are a couple of my favorite breakfasts.

 Natures path gluten free buckwheat waffles. Take a spoon full of peanut butter and spread it in the middle. Drizzle a little strawberry syrup (or syrup of choice) and top with blueberries and crushed walnuts. OMG!
I apologize for the non rotation but for whatever reason my blog does not want to comply with my orders. Simple egg scramble with minced dried onion and sliced orange bell pepper. The yogurt is Greek, mixed in with truvia, 1/4 cup of all bran cereal and strawberries.

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