Thursday, April 18, 2013

Just a reminder

For today. My cavegirl thursday has been a bust. I'm at work for like ten hours today and I chose sleep over prepping my meals. But no worries. To prepare an actual paleo meal you need like 2 hours minimum, unless you are just cooking eggs or grabbing nuts(thats what she said!) So today I am just going to make sure i am within my weight watchers points of the day. I am allowed to go over a little bit seeing as I have earned activity points(you earn points with each work out) and you get a point allowence for the week (that you can use on a cheat meal....teriyaki...) I have not tapped into either so far. Go me!

This is just a reminder to stay strong and realize that i have a long journey ahead of me. I didn't put on this weight overnight and sadly one healthy meal will not make me 125lbs. A reminder to all who are in the same boat. We aren't sinking.

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