Thursday, April 18, 2013


I love cheese. Legit good cheese that should be served on a chic cheese plate with plump red grapes and exotic figs. But.... I am a little lactose intolerant....whaaaattt!?!?! I've struggled with cutting dairy out of my life for good and i could live without milk(its kinda gross, right?) but cheese? Nope. It goes with everything! It is also low in carbs(which is a lot harmful to me than dairy) and its a great side for veggies. Dairy will have to stay in my diet for a while, at least until I'm a size 2( keep dreaming, fats domino!) I avoid milk when I can though (vanilla and chocolate almond is so much yummier!)

More blogs coming soon, especially one about my foods the past couple of days. Recipes included. Enjoy my cheese tribute. (p.s if you know the guy above you're a 90s child just like moi)

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