Hello all,
As promised I giveith unto you a new blog post. Well...remember when I said I was going to stick to paleo for one solid week...did not happen. I was good and true to the diet, ate plenty of protein, veggies and fruits but yet i hungered for more. As previously stated in a blog prior I found I only slept better because I was too exhausted from hunger. I'm not sure what my beef is. Plenty of followers of this diet do not experience this immediate hunger as i have. i have friends who swear by the diets, bloggers praising it and people losing tons of weight. I wondered if I was just weak and have no discipline. But while I endured the pains of hunger I kept thinking in the back of my mind how many health professionals have said, "don't starve yourself, it only ruins your metabolism." I heard this over and over in my mind until I gave into the need for carb. I made myself two tacos and rice and got heartburn later that night. Hungry? No. Feeling ill, yes.
Now if any paleo enthusiast is reading this please do not think I haven't tried to stick to this diet (oh pardon me lifestyle). I've tried many many times and have spent many many dollars despite my minimal paychecks on this so called healthy life style. The result is I'm broke, hungry and yes I lose weight but as soon as I eat something I once enjoyed BOOM! With that said I have always been attracted to the diet because I agree with the key elements behind it. I agree that you should eat WHOLE foods, not processed, you should be eating organically as you can, humans should eat less carbohydrates and less or no dairy but that depends on ethnicity and allergies. Obviously if you are gluten or lactose intolerant those things should not be in your diet, just like if you are allergic to peanuts you don't eat peanuts. Believe me if I was money bags, didn't feel ethically wrong about eating mass amounts of meat, and wasn't so hangry all the time I'd like to stick to this diet over all.
And like all diets I hate how each one tries to sell you on immortality. "You'll feel and look so much better and live so much longer." Really now? So you can predict the future? So long as I eat this way I'll never develop a cold? If I eat this way I can wrestle a great white from eating me? I will live to see us land on Mars if I swear to never eat spaghetti again? Oh my glob! You can not promise people immortality. There have been healthy people who have developed cancer or other autoimmune diseases and shouldn't feel guilty over it because they once upon a time indulged in something that did not fit into a diets guidelines. I believe in people developing healthy eating habits that work for them. If paleo works for you fantastic, if you're a vegan and love it SUPER! You may not live to be 200 years old but you can live happily and healthily.
Lets talk about me. I'm sure my statements on diets have pissed off, induced eye rolling or closed this blog off entirely. If you're still reading this...me gusta.
I will still eat paleo meals. I'm not gluten intolerant but I eat too many carbohydrates. I do have a dairy allergy though. I will not eat paleo meals full time. But i did get a paleo slow cooker and I'll be damned if I never make Chicken coconut curry or try their coconut cream of broccoli soup, ever. But I need a more effective. By effective I mean, something I can live with and still lose weight because as shallow as it may sound to some that is my main focus. I will throw myself off a cliff if I have to endure another summer in long sleeved clothes and pants. Dramatic, maybe?
What am i to do you ask? Well.... i haven't fully decided but I think I might try weight watchers for one month. I think that weight watchers does make sense. It gives you a point system which you are allowed a day, it encourages you to eat plenty of fruits and veggies for zero point value and it doesn't beat you up if you do indulge. My only beef with it is, TONS of the recipes call for low fat, egg substitute and sugar free. Remember my thing about eating whole foods? Yeah...I'm still going to stick to that. I'm going to incorporate things from a paleo lifestyle, from a vegan lifestyle( dairy allergy and big hippie guilt) and a few things that I like. I'll cook recipes from them that uses real ingredients and I may still stick with a sugar free drink every now and then ( I loooove coconut cascade water and an occasional diet soda.)
This may be the best route for me. Again, I still agree that a healthy human diet should include plenty of fruits and veggies and good for you protein, I do think that it is also important to live within your budget. Try new foods, figure out what you like. Tracy Anderson super fit celebrity trainer said on larry king, "People who cut food groups out of their diet are often the most miserable." In my eyes this excludes allergies of course, but I have to agree. Thats why models are so bitchy.
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