Friday, January 3, 2014

One Two Vegan Meals

Gluten free cheerios from natures path, bananas with coconut sugar and unsweetened almond milk.

Baked tofu(at 375) marianted with sesame and tamari veggie stir fry with brown jasmine rice

These are also a very good candy treat that just happen to be vegan. I purchased these at Fred Meyer.

Can you believe I was still hungry after this? I'm a beast!

This was from my first day of attempting a vegan cleanse. I ultimately gave in to orange chocolate which normally I don't like but I was very hungry. Never give yourself crap for messing up a meal plan. Works of art take time to perfect. All you can do is pick up and try again. Though I think I have thrown in the towel on being fully vegan, I still plan to include many vegan meals in my diet. I am poor so finding plant based proteins is easier for me than spending 30 dollars on a five pound organic chicken.

My insulin resistance also prevents me from being fully vegan. I felt wretched my first night. Not sure if it was all the fiber from veggies and fruit or the tofu? But being insulin resistant means when i eat starch my blood sugar sky rockets which could eventually lead to DIABETUS! I really do not want to become a diabetic or infertile (I don't think i want kids but I'd like the option!) so its important I do include some lean animal protein in my diet. I think if I became a raw vegan my stomach would explode.

With that said though. I promise as a resolution to this blog to post more food recipes and work out updates. Thanks to my cool sister for getting me this book, i am excited to share more food experiences with you.

and thanks to my co-worker and friend Ale (THE VEGAN!) for introducing me to this magazine. This helped me come to the resolution that I want to become more ethically aware of everyday life choices. And best part is they're not PETA! PETA sucks..... I don't believe in shock value to educate. I believe in actual facts.

That burger looks fantastic btw. I think I may have to subscribe to this magazine.

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