I had to unfollow a lot of paleo pinners on pinterest. Why you ask?
Because they are more annoying than vegans.
Bacon is NOT orgasmic. I love pigs and try to stay as far away from pork as I can but my weakness is sausage. I don't buy sausage though because of my love of pigs and if I do I try applegate chicken sausage or will make a quest to Whole Foods. But every idiotic paleo post or anti vegan post is like OMG BACON FUCK ME BACON. CALM DOWN! Bacon ain't gonna fuck you so relax! Its not that good.
And they post stupid shit like;
"Bread is not real food, When you eat bread Ryan Gosling cries or Health food tastes better than junk food."
In general I do agree with the last statement. Nectarines and fresh produce tastes better than oh I don't know... BACON! But when paleo people say this they mean all starch. This is not true. Spaghetti and bread and parmesan cheese tastes better than zuchinni noodles pretending to be spaghetti like some imposter of joy. I love you zucchini but you are no spaghetti. I am probably very gluten intolerant but I'll be the first to say the ONLY substitute that comes close to being as good as spaghetti is brown rice spaghetti. A STARCH!
There I know I said I was temporarily breaking up with you blog but I just had to vent.
Paleo enthusiasts are worse than vegans. At least I get the vegan movement. I don't believe the world should follow a vegan diet based on certain peoples medical allowance's ( gluten and dairy are probably poison to me so I need some meat in my diet always) but the world should rid itself of factory farms entirely and go back to a much different method of slaughter. Perhaps our economy would really suffer from this but our health as a nation is already suffering due to the high convenience of fast food.
So in conclusion no more following paleo blogs. I believe in their mission of clean eating but I don't agree with their way being the only way. When I follow a paleo plan my grocery bill sky rockets and I am left with an acidic stomach due to high meat consumption, high fiber in produce and no starch to soak the acidity. And vegans... I respect vegans a lot but PETA can suck an egg.
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