Monday, October 7, 2013

Dear blog

I may be taking a bit of a sabbatical from you. Its not you, its me.

I can't really explain but I promise I will return again soon.

I've just been feeling guilty, hungry, disappointed, poor, insanely sexually frustrated and upset in life.

If there are asexual pills out there please send them my way. I can't sign up for another dating site and then delete that profile the next day because I am 1, too fat to date and 2, not willing to date any loser who fancies me and that's all I seem to be attracting. I don't want to deny myself dating again because in other aspects of my self I feel I am ready but I am just so damned insecure. Thus this continues the, guilty, hungry, disappointed, dieting cycle that's been this past year.

If I had asexual pills then maybe I could accomplish tasks in life, like getting in shape, finding a better job and moving out of my parents home......oh and paying off my student debt.

I will be back blog. Maybe tomorrow, maybe two tomorrows from now, a week or two. I will be back and  in my absence I will fill you with all the woes, misadventures and adventures of my life.

Maybe when I return I will be 20lbs lighter, with a cool boyfriend and with a cooler job.

Maybe not.

Maybe you'll just have me.


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