Sunday, March 24, 2013

This is a blog about food, right?

It was intended to be. But its kind of morphed into an internal struggle of food rights and wrongs, exercise rights and wrongs, general grievances, hopeful insights and coulda woulda shoulda.

I promise though, from here on that I will post more about food. I have a lot to say about food. I am concerned with the food we as Americans put into our bodies. I am targeting Americans because we are the most unhealthy. And simply because it is where I was raised and some of what is wrong with our diet is what I find difficulty breaking ties with.

My parents did all they could for my sisters and I. I do not and would not ever consider my parents to have been bad parents. But mistakes were made, mistakes will be made with every parent child relationship and lord knows if I have children there will be many. My dad tried to keep us physically active but I hated sports. I threw huge fits when they tried to get me to play tennis and I tolerated Baseball. I liked swimming though and loved to go to the pool. But after swim class my dad would take us to Burger king to celebrate. Nothing tasted as good as chicken nuggets and a diet coke after spending hours in the pool.

We also ate at Pizza Hut maybe once a week. 

I'm not a paranoid dip. One bad meal will not make you fat, just as one good meal will not make you thin. We did not eat terrible foods every day. But I associated celebrations, special occasions and happy times with food.

Food should be a part of a celebration. Food is awesome. Food is glorious. Food has been bringing people and families together since the dawn of man. But as a parent or not a parent you have to consider what the food you are serving is doing for you/family and where did the food come from?

I've had my ups and downs in the diet world. I've tried them all. South beach(kill me), low carb (kill me ooo look how small my tummy is oooo whoops never mind because I ate spaghetti and gained 20lbs back!), Paleo( kill me, cauliflower is NOT nor should ever be a substitute for potatoes and rice. You sick bastards, potatoes are of the Earth, why discriminate) vegetarian (liked it but I was gaining weight.) Vegan ( I love Parmesan. Vegan Parmesan tastes like fingernails.) Weight watchers ( you're really going to tell me something with HFCS, Aspartame and other things I don't know is better for me than an avocado just because of the fat?) I may be fat-ish but I am not stupid.

What is a girl to do now? A girl that wants to finally grow into a sexy strong svelte HEALTHY lady? I have checked out two books via the library. 
The glycemic load diet cookbook : 150 recipes to help you lose weight 
and reverse insulin resistance
The glycemic load diet : a powerful new program for losing weight 
and reversing insulin resistance
I carry my weight in the middle. Which is cutely called Apple shape. But
the actual term for it is Insulin Resistant. This means that because
you are predisposed to carrying weight in your middle your chances
of developing every bad disease under the sun is that much higher. Including everyones favorite.
This diet focuses more on how certain foods effect blood sugar and what foods you 
should be eating more of that keep your blood from spiking and going into diabetes
attack mode. I provided links below for anyone interested.
I have not started the books yet as I need to pick them up. But I look forward to reading more in 
depth what foods are doing to my  body. Here is hoping that this is simpiler to follow than
past misadventures with food. I'm talking about you, Paleo.  

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