Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dynamite Tofu!

Meatless mondays

I mostly ate okay. I ate some avocado on whole wheat toast and some greek yogurt with chia seeds and fruit. At dinner I prepared a sort of tofu stir fry. I had high hopes for this but I did not like it.
It was my first experience with hoisin sauce and gotta say it is an acquired taste indeed. My sister loved it. My vegetarian mama not so much either. I did throw in some broccoli and i ate my broccoli but I left the tofu alone. I ate my one serving and settled on a different dinner (still meatless btws.)

But if you are a fan of hoisin and are vegan, vegetarian or just love tofu than you would probably really like this. Its a very simple recipe. I'll try it again but with mongolian instead of the hoisin.

Ps. Sorry I am leading you to PETAS website. But that is where I got the recipe.

Jealous of my super cute ikea rainbow dinnerware?

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