Thursday, December 5, 2013

Veggies of the Snow

I hate vegetables. Mostly because I wasn't raised with them and secondly because every time I have a plate of greens before me I am like FUCK I'm on a diet aren't I? Some people think I'm crazy for my hate. I think so too. Well... a little. If you aren't raised on specific foods than adapting them into your adult life will be a harder transition. My advice to parents...make your kids eat their greens!

In season vegetables;

Sweet Potatoes:

Winter Squash:

Kale: An overrated veggie in my opinion but all the rage for health nuts.

Artichokes: These are yum and even better thrown over pizza or pasta. ( I know forever celibate.)

Celary, carrots and cauliflower:

Brussel sprouts, cabbage, and broccoli:

Leeks and Onions:

Potatoes and Radishes: Delish. Fuck paleo and other potato haters.

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