Thursday, November 28, 2013

Fruits of the Snow

Hi everyone and Happy Thanksgiving ! I've read to make this blog more successful aside from having my own personal success I need to update it at least 2 to 3 times a week. So here I am lovelies. I really want to make an effort to eat fruits and veggies in season. Its not just good for your body but it is also better for your planet. If you are like me and live in perpetual cold rain land or in the middle of no where your local varieties might well...not exist. The second best thing to do if you can not shop local or are not lucky enough to have your own green house is to shop in season. Here are some yummy fruit options this winter.

CLEMENTINES are small, sweet orange available from December through the winter.

GRAPEFRUIT from California, Texas, Florida, and Arizona comes into season in January and stays sweet and juicy into early summer.

KIWIS grow on vines and are harvested winter through springing warmer and temperate areas.

LEMONS AND MEYER LEMONS tend to be at their best winter and spring.

MANDARINS are sweet and juicy in winter.

ORANGES add sunny brightness to winter eating.

PEARS have a season that runs from mid-summer well into winter, depending on the variety and region.

PERSIMMONS are available for a short window in the fall and early winter - look for bright, heavy-feeling fruits.

SATSUMAS have loose skins and super-sweet tangerine flavor.

TANGERINES are oranges' sweeter, more honeyed cousins. As with all citrus fruit, look for specimens that feel heavy for their size.

Pretty much any citrus treats are in season this winter. Oh I did forget to add pomegranates! These guys are great in salads, yogurts(coconut) and eaten with dark chocolate.

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