Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Warrior Dash

 A few things I learned from doing the Warrior Dash.

1. After seeing these photos I am not having intimate relations till I have dropped 30 pounds.

2. I am stronger then I gave myself credit for. I struggled running. The sand dunes run nearly killed me as running in sand is not my friend. Endurance is KEY. I read on another review of a Warrior Dash that though strength is very important, your overall endurance is going to be what gets you through this event. So fellow Warrior Dash enthusiasts, I know I hate it too but cardio, cardio, cardio!

3. Now strength training. As I said before, this is important. I hate when people tell others seeking to lose weight to avoid weight training. Muscle burns fat, what builds muscle? Strength training. Don't go bat shit if you are worrying about bulking. Two times week is fine. I am a freak of nature and put on muscle like a mutated freak so I do have to be careful how much I do. But I'd say what you want to focus on for the Dash is lower body strength. I feel that lower body strength was more important than upper. There were a ton of climb/ running up things that you just have to have your lower half be on point. Make sure you do your squats and lunges. Incorporate stairs or stair climber machines into your routine. As far as upper body, practice planks which work the entire body. Triceps and biceps need to be dipped. 

4. You do not have to do all the obstacles. If you are like me and a big chicken when it comes to heights and don't feel much for conquering your fear, then skip it. Some people feel that this takes away from the experience and people should be penalized for skipping. These people are stupid and suck. Some people simply can't overcome an obstacle physically or mentally but they signed up for the damn event because they wanted to give themselves that chance! Its their money, not yours. I skipped out on two events due to my fear of heights but I have no doubt that I could have done them. I will gladly give them a go next year.

5. Back to the number 2 topic. When I was much fitter and very briefly had a personal trainer I asked him two days after a very difficult work out, "Why am I not sore? I was absolutely exhausted afterwards." and he told me, " Your body is stronger than you give it credit for."

6. If you're thinking about doing the Warrior Dash, do the Warrior Dash! Seriously. You'll be FINE! The volunteers for the event were very helpful and it was a great crowd of people. I did exercise of course before I did the event but I'll be honest not nearly as much as I should have. Get your body moving.

7. Some people really don't like that the event is not timed. I am not a runner and I am not a competitive person, despite my Slytherin houses reputation (how cool am I?).  I never thrived in competitive sport and still don't really care to watch them, so this does not bother me. My suggestion if you want to be timed, perhaps bring your own timer? I am sure they sell the water resistant ones you can attach to your clothes. Just make sure you don't lose it in the mud.

8. If you want to avoid crowds sign up early. Before noon is ideal. My friend Jen and I agreed on the 10:45 slot and I think that was perfect. Not a long line for the restrooms, no wait for the obstacles. It was good. When we finished around noon the place was PACKED. Bathroom line was out of control and I am sure there was a wait at each obstacle. Some reviewers said they waited 20 plus minutes to do a course. This sounds terrible. I am not a morning person, but avoid the crowds and you'll have fun.

9. If you feel tired or just need to rest a bit, do it. Its one thing to push yourself but you don't want to burn out early on. This isn't a race. There is no grand prize of a million dollars at the end. Have fun. Really.

10. This event really encouraged me to get in better shape. I know. I know. I say that a lot. But usually when I say it I say it after  watching a graphic sex scene on Game of Thrones and thinking, "well fuck I need to get in shape"  or after having a weird reaction to a barely tolerable food. My swollen lip syndrome that I seem to keep getting when I eat foods that could be mutated.

*Doctor update: This summer has been AWFUL for allergies. My doctor didn't think it was anything to be too fearful of but she thinks seasonal allergies are to blame, but it could still be an oral allergy reaction. But I can't get the blood allergy test for a while as its expensive and most insurances don't cover it. *

 But this event really forces you to reexamine what you have done or are currently doing to your body. It really does test you physically and mentally. Its made me want to sign up for a 5K in the near future and another warrior dash next year.  I am looking forward to both and am looking forward to changing my body to match my fitness enthusiasm.

My friend (pictured above) is doing Tough Mudder. A 10 to 12 mile long course of some crazy crazy looking obstacles. I spent a day looking at each obstacle like; nope, nope and nope! I wish her the best of luck doing it. Will I do that in the future? If I have better health insurance and am in impeccable shape then I would consider it. Like Warrior Dash, if an obstacle freaks you out or you'd just rather not take the risk, then skip it.

*Another medical update: shortly after this event I got an ear ache of epic proportions. It was the worst pain I'd ever felt. Imagine a 12 pound dumb bell attached to the side of your head that occasionally stabs you and you can't eat or sleep or turn your head without pain. Yeah... I had advanced swimmers ear and the two theories is I likely got too much contaminated muddy water in my ear during the run or and my long weight hair just infected my hair. Its been very warm and I have been sleeping with my hair wet, so I think this is the more likely culprit. Anyway. 7 to 10 days of antibiotics better and I think it is finally clearing up enough to where I can work out again. Come on universe, give my immune system a break!*

Please feel free to laugh. These photos are ridiculous! I love the one of me crawling through mud. I look like I am crying but I swear I wasn't! 

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