Thursday, February 7, 2013


So.... i made a little extra money selling some clothes. I still need to sell the rest because 1. I have an addiction 2. I never really wear half of my addiction. 3. I'm not the weight I want to be so...until I'm closer to that I REALLY REALLY REALLY need to stop taking out my frustration on my credit cards.

Todays lunch was moderately healthy. Fresh fruit from the cafe, turkey and pesto on whole wheat and...... I only asked for three ravioli pieces! Technically I gave up SPAGHETTI NOODLES not raviolis. so don't judge, lol.

The lunch was alright, my fruit was yum and the ravioli was good and like any other addict I wanted more. I'm going to shy away from sliced turkey from now on though. A co-worker and friend of mine recently decided she wasn't going to buy meat unless she knew everything about where it came from. I really admire this. And I think when I make a bit more money I would love to invest in getting some meat from actual farms. Really truly that is with no sarcasm, I'd love to do that. As I was eating my turkey I kept imaginging it in one of those dark rooms with no ventilation like they had chickens in on Food inc. ICK! I recommend anyone and everyone watching the film, but be warned they slash a chickens throat at an organic farm while others watch in horror and show pigs getting squashed to death. Nicht Gut.

Anyway; so I may not have a lot of money (powerball lords hear me!) but I have good intentions. I think when purchasing meat from now on I need to do so through Marlenes (food co-op). And will stick to vegetarian options via my works cafe.

I can't ever be completely vegan because of my insulin resistance but I can make more animal friendly choices. The tofu I made the other night was good.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I utterly failed at meatless Monday. Why you may ask? Well...this is what happens when you do not prepare your meals, ie not going to the grocery store when you're suppose to. I indulged in a costco dog and some chicken..... I know chickens united are going to have my head for this. BUT I did decide to make Tuesday a meatless day to make up for my indulgences. Dinner included Tofu stir fry and brown jasmine rice. Also, I am day three into no pasta and no soda. I'm going to commit to one week without either and sunday I was a huge fatty and ate both at midnight. Why am I fat? So.....Tuesday if I desire them i will eat them. I got spaghetti squash and zucchini though to help when i want it. More postings coming to a blog near you. Including smoothie recipes, lower carb recipes and this one. Tofu Stirfry. Enjoy...

Tofu Stirfry

One block super firm tofu
one half can of baby corn
one small zucchini
one half bell pepper
a small cup of pineapple
one small head of broccoli cut up

Heat to medium on wok. Combine Mirin (or rice vinegar), low sodium teryaki sauce and seasame oil. Throw ingredients in wok and work the oil over.

I cooked mine for about ten minutes or so. Maybe less and reduced the heat so the items did not burn. I also poured some more sesame oil over, about a tablespoons worth. Top of with siracha!

Brown Jasmine rice was cooked in two cups of water, with a teaspoon of butter and salt and pepper. Once boiling dump one cup rice and cover for about 30-40 minutes. Others suggest cooking the rice in a broth and my rice was a little bland so I believe i will try a veggie broth next time. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Cauliflower Pizza Crust

My Pizza burned like a mother fucker. Don't leave it in for as long as it says if you have a loco oven like I do. It was still edible and over all okay. Since my many paleo fiascos I've grown to loathe Cauliflower. But I think with more added toppings, more basil ect, it can be a really yummy pizza. I give it a 7/10 on taste. Give it a go!


Cauliflower Crust Hawaiian Pizza

Yield: One 9 to 12-inch pizza (feeds 2 to 3 people)
Prep Time: 25 min
Cook Time: 18 min


1/2 LARGE head cauliflower (or 2+ cups shredded cauliflower)
1 large egg
1 cup finely shredded mozzarella cheese (or try another kind!)
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon dried minced garlic (or fresh garlic)
1/2 teaspoon onion salt
1/2 cup tomato-basil marinara sauce (or pizza sauce)
1/2 cup finely shredded mozzarella cheese
3 slices Canadian bacon, cut into strips
1/2 cup pineapple tidbits


1. Shred the cauliflower into small crumbles. You can use the food processor if you'd like, but you just want crumbles, not puree. You'll need a total of about 2 cups or so of cauliflower crumbles (which is about half a large head of cauliflower. Place the cauliflower crumbles in a large bowl and microwave them (dry) for 8 minutes (see Tips below if you do not have a microwave). Give the cauliflower a chance to cool.
2. Prepare the crust: Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Spray a cookie sheet or pizza pan with nonstick spray (or use a nonstick surface). In a medium bowl, mix the cauliflower crumbles (about 1 1/2 cups since they shrink after cooking) with the remaining crust ingredients. Pat the "crust" into a 9 to 12-inch round on the prepared pan. Spray the crust lightly with nonstick spray and bake for 15 minutes (or until golden). Remove the crust from the oven and turn the heat up to broil.
3. Prepare the pizza: Spread the sauce on top of the baked crust, leaving a 1/2-inch border around the edge. Sprinkle 1/4 cup cheese on top. Add the bacon and pineapple, spreading it out around the pizza. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top. Broil the pizza 3 to 4 minutes, or until the toppings are hot and the cheese is melted and bubbly. Cut into 6 slices and serve immediately.


From Eat, Drink, Smile (tip from Beth): For those who don’ t have a microwave: You can steam the florets just until they are tender (not mushy) on the stove and then let them cool before grating them. The texture/consistency won’t be the same (It will be more like a puree) but it still works fine once you mix all the ingredients together.
*Other topping ideas:
Marinara or pizza sauce with your favorite toppings
Pesto with thin sliced tomato and fresh mozzarella
Alfredo with sausage, mushrooms, Provolone & Asiago cheese
Barbecue sauce with shredded chicken, green onions and smoked gouda
*This pizza is best served on a plate with a fork.
Nutritional Information per serving FOR THE WHOLE PIZZA- per slice:
Serving size: 1 slice
Calories per serving: 151
Fat per serving: 7.2g
Saturated Fat per serving: 4.1g
Sugar per serving: 3g
Fiber per serving: 2.2g
Protein per serving: 12.6g
Cholesterol per serving: 53mg
Carbohydrates per serving: 9.2g WW POINTS per serving:
Points Plus Program: 4 Old Points Program: 3
Nutritional info per serving for JUST THE CRUST- per slice (if you want to do your own toppings):
Serving Size: 1 slice (pizza cut into 6 slices)
Calories 84, Fat 4.3g, Sat Fat 2.6g, Cholesterol 40.8mg, Sodium 166mg, Carbohydrates 4.6g, Fiber 1.9g, Sugar 0g, Protein 7.1g
WW Points Plus: 2 Old Points Program: 2
Source: (inspired by and adapted from Eat, Drink Smile)